1. Demographic Characteristics
The age range of the segment known as Young Apartment Dwellers in Colorado Springs primarily falls between 18 to 34 years old, with the most common age group being 25 to 29 years old. This segment largely comprises single-person households, though there is a notable presence of single-parent households and a smaller proportion of multigenerational families. Many individuals within this segment may have children, typically aged under 5 years.
In terms of education, a significant number of individuals hold a Bachelor's degree or higher, while others may have some college experience or completed high school. Common occupations include roles in retail, hospitality, and technology. Income levels vary, but many individuals earn within the $30,000 to $50,000 range. There is a moderate reliance on social support programs, and some individuals may experience unemployment or underemployment.
The segment showcases a diverse cultural, ethnic, and racial background, contributing to a vibrant community atmosphere.
2. Living Environment
Young Apartment Dwellers in Colorado Springs primarily reside in a suburban area surrounding the city center. They typically occupy apartments or shared housing and are predominantly renters, with a smaller portion owning their units. Neighborhood dynamics reveal a moderate population density, with varying levels of safety and access to local amenities.
The socioeconomic conditions in the area range from affordable neighborhoods to those experiencing gentrification, impacting the overall accessibility and community development.
3. Lifestyle
The daily routines of this segment often include using public transportation or walking/biking for short commutes, although some individuals may own cars. Their shopping preferences lean towards budget retailers and local markets, seeking both affordability and community connection. Leisure activities included are a mix of hobbies, such as fitness and outdoor activities, along with entertainment choices that may involve streaming services and social gatherings.
Travel behaviors indicate a tendency for regional weekend trips rather than extensive vacations, often constrained by budget limitations. Regarding health-related habits, many individuals prioritize fitness routines and lean towards healthy dietary choices, although some may engage in smoking.
4. Media Consumption
The segment favors traditional media such as cable TV, with a preference for channels focusing on entertainment and news. In digital media, they are active on social media platforms, utilizing them for e-commerce and content streaming. Additional online activities include visiting niche sites like job boards and classifieds.
Popular cultural preferences within the segment include genres such as indie music and trends related to pop culture influencers, reflecting their engagement with contemporary entertainment.
5. Mindset & Values
The core beliefs of Young Apartment Dwellers often center around individual freedom, career development, and a desire for community involvement. Their aspirations typically focus on achieving financial stability and personal growth, while they face challenges that include economic uncertainties and cultural adjustments.
Contradictions may arise in their values, such as between a preference for frugality and the occasional tendency for impulse spending, highlighting a complex relationship with financial management. The balance between personal independence and the need for community support forms a significant aspect of their mindset.