1. Demographic Characteristics
The primary age range of the College Educated Renters in Franklin County, Ohio, is likely to be between 25 to 35 years old, reflecting young professionals who have recently completed their education. The most common age group within this segment typically consists of individuals in their late twenties and early thirties. The household composition is predominantly single-person households, although some may be living with roommates. There is minimal presence of children in these households, as many individuals within this segment are focusing on their careers and personal development at this stage of life.
The education levels are notably high, with individuals having completed college and many also having completed graduate studies. Employment status shows a strong presence in various professional sectors, including education, healthcare, technology, and finance, with income brackets generally ranging from moderate to high, depending on their industry and experience levels. While most are employed, a small portion may rely on employment support programs during transitions or job hunting periods. Racial and ethnic diversity within the segment is present but not specifically quantified, reflecting broader community demographics.
2. Living Environment
This segment primarily resides in urban areas within Franklin County, such as Columbus, where there is access to various amenities and a vibrant social scene. The typical housing arrangement consists of renting apartments or condos in multi-unit dwellings, reflecting their preference for flexibility and lower maintenance responsibilities. Neighborhood dynamics often feature high livability due to good public transport, shopping, and entertainment options. Many live in neighborhoods characterized by moderate to high property values, but some may reside in gentrifying areas with mixed economic profiles.
3. Lifestyle
The daily routines of this demographic include a mix of commuting habits, with many relying on public transit or biking to their destinations, particularly in an urban setting where traffic congestion can be an issue. Shopping preferences lean towards a mix of local markets and budget retailers, with occasional purchases at higher-end stores. Leisure activities include dining at trendy restaurants, engaging in outdoor activities, and attending cultural events. Travel behaviors often include weekend getaways within a moderate budget, focusing on destinations that offer enriching experiences.
Health-related habits vary, but many are conscious of maintaining a balanced diet and engaging in regular physical activity, including gym memberships or group sports. Smoking rates tend to be low, aligning with a more health-oriented lifestyle.
4. Media Consumption
In terms of traditional media, this segment favors television shows on channels that cater to younger adult demographics, as well as online streaming platforms for content consumption. They tend to listen to a variety of radio stations and tend to favor digital news sources over print publications. In the digital realm, social media platforms, particularly Instagram and LinkedIn, are widely utilized for both personal connections and professional networking. E-commerce is popular among them, with frequent online shopping for convenience.
Content streaming services are also a major part of their media consumption habits, with a focus on entertainment genres that are contemporary and culturally relevant. Trendy music genres, such as indie, pop, and hip-hop, resonate with this group, and they often follow influencers who align with their lifestyle values.
5. Mindset & Values
The core beliefs of the College Educated Renters segment center around the importance of personal development and career success. They prioritize aspirations such as achieving financial stability, advancing in their chosen professions, and making a positive impact in their communities. Many may face challenges, including economic pressures and the high cost of living in urban areas, which can sometimes lead to a conflict between desires for independence and community reliance.
Contradictory behaviors might include tendencies towards frugality in daily expenditures, yet engaging in impulse spending during social outings or while seeking experiences. Overall, their mindset reflects a complex interplay between ambition and the pressures of modern living.