1. Demographic Characteristics
The segment of Senior Card Holders in Wake County, North Carolina, primarily consists of individuals aged between 60 and 99, with the most common age group being between 70 to 75 years. This demographic often includes single-person households and a mix of married couples. The presence of children in these households is minimal, as many seniors live independently or with a spouse. In terms of education levels, a significant portion of this segment has at least a high school diploma, with many holding associate's degrees or higher. Common occupations among this group may include retired professionals and workers from various sectors, reflecting household incomes ranging from $50,000 to over $150,000. Some individuals may rely on social support programs to supplement their income, with low unemployment rates noted within this age group. The cultural, ethnic, or racial diversity within this segment remains unspecified.
2. Living Environment
The segment predominantly resides in the suburban areas of Wake County, with notable cities including Raleigh and Cary. They typically occupy single-family homes and are mostly homeowners. The neighborhoods vary in dynamics, with factors such as population density, safety, and access to amenities playing a crucial role in livability. The socioeconomic conditions of these areas may include a mix of affluent communities and some neighborhoods facing economic challenges.
3. Lifestyle
Daily routines of this segment often include a reliance on personal vehicles for transportation, with a reduced frequency of public transit use. They tend to prefer budget retailers for shopping, although some may frequent upscale retailers for specific needs. Leisure activities may include gardening, volunteering, and attending local community events. Their travel behaviors often reflect budget constraints, with many preferring local destinations or family visits rather than long-distance travel. Health-related habits vary, but a number of seniors focus on fitness routines and maintaining a healthy diet.
4. Media Consumption
In terms of traditional media, this segment may favor news channels and public radio stations. On the digital front, online activities likely include social media platforms to stay connected with family and friends, as well as e-commerce for convenience shopping. They may also engage with content streaming services for entertainment, showing preference for sites that offer their favorite genres. Cultural preferences may include listening to classic music or following popular trends among seniors.
5. Mindset & Values
The core beliefs and attitudes of this segment often emphasize the importance of family and financial stability. Their aspirations may include maintaining health and independence as they age, alongside a desire to contribute to their communities. Potential challenges faced by this group could encompass socioeconomic struggles and adapting to rapid changes in society. There are occasional contradictions in their values, such as a tendency towards frugality, yet also exhibiting impulse spending on personal luxuries. This section highlights a nuanced understanding of their mindset and priorities.